Compassionately raised animal products

Free Range Farm Lisbon CT

Free Range Farm Lisbon CT

Free Range Farm Lisbon CT

Are you looking for more information on a free range farm in Lisbon, CT? Look no further than Hidden Springs Farm! We have been providing quality, organic meat products to Lisbon and surrounding towns for years. Not only does free ranging provide the best tasting, and healthiest meat for your family, but there are several other benefits as well. Read on as we discuss some of the best benefits of owning a free range farm!

Your Animals Will Be Happier

Animals deserve to roam and explore their surroundings, it’s in their nature. The ability to run, play, and forage for their own food is so important to the quality of life they live. Taking away that luxury, and locking them away in cages, and small enclosures can cause severe depression and anxiety. Not only will this affect their temperament, but also the meat that they provide.

It Saves You Money

Another great benefit is the money you will save! Whether your animals are fully free ranged or just partially, you will save a tremendous amount of money on animal feed. Even a small organic farm with a handful of animals can quickly become expensive when the only thing your animals eat is organic feed.

It’s Much Healthier

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that animals aren’t supposed to be eating condensed food pellets. When you allow your animals to forage for their food, they will eat exactly what they should be eating. It’s important to note, that it comes down to more than just the food they’re eating. Exercise, access to fresh air, and a calm environment all attribute to a healthy animal.

Better Production

Another wonderful benefit to running a free range farm better production from your animals. Any animal that produces something for the farm will usually have better quality eggs, milk, etc. If you have chickens you’ll notice more frequent and larger eggs, the same can be said about ducks too! Cows and pigs are known to produce better-tasting meat.

Thank you for reading our latest blog on a free range farm in Lisbon, CT. We hope you found it informative and helpful! If you have any questions about our free range farm, please call us at 860-885-8320. You can also visit our website to learn more about our farm and the organic meat that we produce!

Free Range Farm Lisbon CT

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